Clinics & Services
Access to Records
You are welcome to apply for a copy of, or access to, your medical records. We will need to see photographic ID in order to complete your request. Requests for copies of records are known as a Subject Access Request, and the timeline of completing such requests is a month from the date of the request. There is no cost for asking for a copy of records, however duplicate (or excessive) requests will incur fees. If you have online access to your records, you will have instant access to your records as required with no charge.
Please read the information leaflet which answers some frequently asked questions regarding having online access to your records – Access to Records FAQs
Request online access to your records (you can self-register via the NHS-app if you have photo-ID). If you do not have photo-ID, or would like retrospective access to your records, please complete the Online Access Form and return it to the Practice. We will require some form of ID and we may need to speak to you if you do not have photo-ID before processing your form – Application for Online Access to Medical Records
Request a paper or emailed copy of your records – SAR FORM (Subject Access Request to Medical Records)
Adult Vaccinations
Adults in Britain who have not received three doses of tetanus vaccine and two boosters should have a course of injections. Adults who did not receive the polio or MMR vaccine as a child should have a course now. The practice nurses will be pleased to advise you. Please check at reception for further details.
Asthma/COPD, Diabetes/Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia, Heart, Stroke & Hypertension Clinics
If you have any of the above (or have ever had a heart attack/stroke) and have not already had a yearly check, please ask for an appointment with our nursing team. Annual reviews are organised on/around your birth month, but if you are overdue please get in touch.
You can book in for your annual review by giving us a call or visiting the practice.
Child Health Services & Immunisations
We provide all childhood vaccinations at the surgery. As they protect your child against serious diseases, they should be started at the age of two months. For more information, ask a doctor or nurse. Child development checks are carried out at six weeks of age by the doctor and later checks by the health visitor. The complete childhood immunisations schedule can be found here.
Cervical Screening (Smear Tests)
This test detects treatable changes at the neck of the womb (cervix) at an early stage to reduce the possibility of cancer developing. One test is currently recommended every three years between the ages of 25 & 49 and every five years between the ages of 50 & 64. The best time to make a nurse’s appointment is mid-cycle (about two weeks after the start of the monthly period).
Contraceptive Services
We offer the full range of contraceptive services including contraceptive pills, patches, implants, injections, hormone-free and mirena coils and diaphragm fitting. Free condoms are available at the community clinics.
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception can be used up to five days after unprotected intercourse, but works best the sooner it is used. Emergency contraceptive pills are available:
- from pharmacists
- On prescription from the surgery (free, please tell the Patient Coordinator(s) if you need a same day appointment)
- Family Planning Clinic (free)
Some coils can also be fitted for emergency contraception.
Flu/Covid Clinics
Each autumn, patients at risk are invited to attend for influenza and pneumonia vaccines to protect them (e.g. people over 65; those with asthma, diabetes, heart or lung disease; after spleen removal; after organ transplant; on chemotherapy/steroid therapy) and carers.
This also extends to the Spring Covid Booster campaign for eligible patients.
Health & Wellbeing
Our Health & Well-being Coaches can support you with weight management, dietary advice, exercise support and more.
The team may also be able to refer you to local services such as Slimming World or local gyms.
You can self refer by emailing submitting an online consultation or giving us a call.
Minor Surgery
Please book a doctor’s appointment to discuss your needs e.g.
- Joint injections
- Ingrowing toenails
- Coil fittings
- Excision of surface lumps/moles etc.
- Nasal cautery
NHS Health Checks
NHS Health Checks are now available to patients aged between 40 and 74 who are not already being treated for a medical condition.
The check is to assess a person’s risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes. Invitations will be sent out to eligible patients. If you have not yet received an invite and would like to come in for a health check, please telephone to make an appointment.
Practice Nursing Services
Our Practice Nurse offers the following services:
- Advice on healthy living
- Annual checks for ongoing illness e.g. asthma, diabetes, heart disease, smoking-related lung disease/COPD
- Cervical screening (Smear Tests)
- Childhood immunisations
- Doppler tests
- Dressings e.g. leg ulcers, minor wounds etc
- ECG investigations
- Family planning including long-acting reversible contraception
- Flu vaccination
- Removal of sutures
- Travel vaccination clinics
- Yellow Fever centre
Social Prescribing
It is estimated 1 in 5 GP appointments are related to social issues. Our Social Prescribing team are available to help support and address some of these issues to help you access the best support tailored to you.
Some examples which Social Prescribing may support with includes:
- Carer Support
- Employment support i.e. improving your interview skills
- Improving mental wellbeing i.e. social support
- Financial issues i.e. providing food bank vouchers
- Housing issues i.e. accessing aids
You can self refer by emailing or by completing an online consult or giving us a call.
Travel Vaccinations & Non-NHS Services
If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you will need to make an appointment with a nurse. This initial appointment must be at least 6 weeks before you travel.
Before attending your first appointment, please complete this Travel Questionnaire and submit it.
The NHS does not pay for all of the services we provide, so patients may be required to pay for some of these services. Please see attached list.
Our fees are in line with BMA approved national guidelines.
Well Person Health Checks
Health checks and advice on healthy living are available from the practice nurses. You can do more for your own health than we can do for you! Taking moderate exercise, stopping smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding illicit drugs and excessive alcohol will make you less likely to need medical help in the future. New patients are invited to attend for routine health checks.